Sunday, November 15, 2009

This Little Piggy. The 2009 Version

Annika LOVES when I do the Little Piggies with her toes. Her toes are so ticklish that by the time I get to the pinky toe she is already cracking up and wiggling so hard that someone might think she was having a seizure.

Recently when doing the Little Piggies, Annika stopped me after the first piggy (The one who goes to the market) and informed me that the piggy does NOT go to the market, in fact the piggy goes to get gas instead.

So this is how we do the Little Piggies in the Null household:

1 – This little piggy goes to Starbucks

2 – This little piggy gets some gas

3 – This little piggy eats some chicken nuggets

4 – This little piggy takes a bath

5 – This little piggy goes "Wee wee wee wee wee" all the way home

I am hoping to get a video of it here pretty soon. It is just too cute.

An Update on Us...

Since it has been a while since I updated my blog and a lot of my family has been connected to the interwebz, I figured I might as well take advantage of my awesome blog and write some stuff down…

Our Business

We are moving!! After 8 wonderful years at our current location we have decided to move on to bigger and better things. A developer in Seattle found us online, was impressed with our experience & credentials and offered to build us a brand new facility! The location, although it is a ways away from our current location, is wonderful. We are minutes away from the highway and right smack dab in the middle of high class housing.

Our new location should be done building in 2 weeks. Until then we are hanging out in a temporary location. It’s really nothing pretty as it is a huge warehouse, with no insulation, and lots and lots of room to echo. Our sound sensitive mama’s REALLY can’t wait to move outta there! Actually as we speak (write?) Jim is at the new location installing tile with our awesome friend Loren. I however, am not helping out because I am home with a sick kid.


Speaking of, Annika has been doing awesome! She started Taekwondo officially back in August. She is absolutely adorable.

She does a really good job at following directions and getting along with the other children. She is little miss social so everyone wants to be her friend, and she wants to be everyone’s friend. Life should be interesting here in a few years, I think my house might be the hang out place.

Last week (2 Fridays ago) Annika came down with a fever of 102*, but no other symptoms. This has happened a couple times in Annika’s life. She has a great immune system so she hardly ever gets sick, which we are very thankful for. But when she does get sick her first symptom is a fever, so we knew something was coming. Long story shorter she ended up having H1N1. She never got tested but the nurse diagnosed her symptoms perfectly over the phone and said the worst symptoms would last 3-5 days and she would be all better in 7-10 days.

By day 8 she still had a fever ranging from 100.5 - 101, it was low, and it would go away if I gave her ibuprofen, but there was still a fever present and that’s not normal. In combination with the fact that her cough seemed to go deeper in her chest, I figured a call to the dr. was in order. Which was pretty useless. They basically said even though the fever has lasted 3 days past what it should, she’s fine until it hits 104*. I really wasn’t convinced and neither was my mom who urged me to take her into urgent care.

I had the best trip to Urgent care ever! We walked through the doors, got checked in, got seen by the dr, got a prescription, and walked out in less than 20 minutes! That’s better than seeing a regular dr! The urgent care doc said the long lasting fever was unusual and most likely the H1N1 turned into a sinus infection and the drainage down her throat was most likely causing the cough. So we got bubble gum flavored antibiotics and are on our way!

I am amazed at how well they work! She went from looking like this

To this

Er... well.. you get the idea, all in 24 hours.

We are hoping this is the end of her illness and we are making a routine of vitamins to keep her healthy for the rest of the winter because it seems like it might be a hard one!

Jim and I

We are doing really good, trying to stay healthy! I have been bouncing from one cold to another to another for about a month now. My poor nose hates me and the company that makes Theraflu LOVES me. I am also jumping on the vitamin wagon because I would really like to stay healthy during this move & the rest of winter!

We are also keeping very busy with the move, since I have missed out on an entire week at the school, I have A LOT to catch up on when I get back this week.

I have a couple more blog ideas stewing around in my head… so stay tuned!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Yes, I'm Still Alive

I suck at this whole "blogging" thing. I have nothing fun to talk about. When I actually DO have something fun to talk about I type it out on Facebook, KTT, MySpace, and tell everyone in person so when I do get down to typing, everyone I know has heard it already. On top of that I never take pictures so I can't even rely on that... I am a horrible blogger

Ok so i'm going to update you on some things, if you're already heard it, i'm sorry, my memory sucks.

Annika is taking Taekwondo!!! I have pictures but I, yet again, misplaced my camera and it (still) has the pictures on it. I know Jim uploaded them onto his Facebook, so if you're interested, go look there :-)

But ANYWAYS! She is doing awesome. I am SO glad that classes are only 30 minutes long because in the first 10 minutes she is a GREAT listener, has loud "Yes Sir!"s (<---- I know it's grammatically incorrect, please don't tar & feather me), and her technique is pretty good.

the second 10 minutes, you can tell she's starting to get tired/bored because she's starting to wiggle and I have to direct where to go more.

During the last 10 minutes, i'm about ready to kick her little booty off the mat! She truly shows her two year old-ness. But all in all she is a great kid and it melts my heart when she call's Jim "Master Null" :-)

hmmm.... What else has happened???

OH! I had to buy Rarity #2 this morning. Rarity #1 got sick with fin rot and lost her entire back fin last week. I was very upset and was waiting for her/him to go belly up. He never did and I was a good momma and cleaned out his water everyday and his fins started to grow back! I knew he was gonna recover. Buuuuuuuut obviously that wasn't the case or else we wouldn't have a Rarity #2

I headed out to Petco this morning before Annika woke up because last time I was there they had like 3 fish that looked exactly like Rarity. But just my luck the only color fish they had was Red and White (white Beta look weird BTW). So I grabbed the red one that had a little bit of red on it and brought it home.

After giving the fish a pep talk and telling him that his name was Rarity, he belonged to a 2 year old girl, and to hide if any animal that says "MEOW" comes to play, I was ready to put him to the real test. I brought Annika down and was ready to tell her all sorts of excuses.

She hopped up

She looked into the tank

and she said...

"HI RARITY!!! Mama I wanna feed Rarity now!!"

[jaw drops open]

I got so lucky... so incredibly lucky.

Hopefully She won't see him again tomorrow or something and realize it's not the same fish. I might flub up without my game face on.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Hi Ho! Hi Ho! It's Off To Work I Go......

If I didn't know any better I would say I was turning into a workaholic. Because when sane people get bored on a Sunday night, they don't start researching sample enrollment forms for new clients, or draft emails and make to-do lists for first thing Monday morning.

For the past 2 or 3 weeks I have worked EVERY DAY up at the Taekwondo school, including Saturday and Sunday. At first it was difficult getting adjusted to working that much. However, we are losing an employee very soon so it will just be Jim, Annika, and I running the show, so I needed to adjust slowly. Meaning that I HAVE to be at TKD only on Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday, Monday & Wednesday are not required and when I go in, it's only for a couple hours. It started out with, "Maybe I'll come in on Monday/Wednesday" but now I have so much crap to do it's "I should go in on Sunday so I can get it done!"

Luckily Annika LOVES it at TKD. I don't love that she is stuck at the family business all day while Mama and Daddy works. But Ms. Social (BTW I have NO idea who she inherited that from) asks to go to TKD every morning so she can play with all of her friends, instead of boring old Mama. I do love that we can do "school" during the day and work on cutting, pasting, numbers & letters, where she probably wouldn't if she was in a day care.

So I may not be around much because when I get REALLY bored I crack open an excel sheet and balance the checkbook! WHOO! Crazy stuff!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I am sitting here on my laptop that was once dead but me awesomely cool husband fixed it!!! It required a new hard drive though.. but a new hard drive is ALOT cheaper than a brand new laptop!!
Thank you Jim!!! I love you!

Monday, August 17, 2009

I lost my camera....

Granted I haven't looked for it very hard. But it wasn't where I left it, so either someone took it or it grew legs and walked away. I really hope it is the 1st possible option because it had some awesomely cool pictures of Annika taking her first Taekwondo class.
I am going to form a search party tomorrow and try to find it. If I do then expect some AWWWW inspiring pictures later this week :-)